What CBD producers need to know. What is the best way to clean stainless steel containers to make them last longer?

When dealing with stainless steel containers, which are ideal for CBD ingredients, the only thing to watch out for is foreign matter contamination due to rusting.
Although stainless steel is a rust resistant material, it can rust depending on how it is used.

One point that is often overlooked in order to reduce the occurrence of rust is the cleaning of the stainless steel container after use.
Incorrect cleaning methods can lead to scratches and rusting.

In this article, I would like to introduce the cleaning method of stainless steel containers, which is important to make them last longer.

Cleaning Method

There are two methods of cleaning stainless steel containers: manual cleaning and machine cleaning.

Wash by hand

This is a cleaning method in which water, detergent, and a sponge are used to wash one by one by hand.
This method is suitable for a small number of containers to be washed and for containers that are not very large.

Washing Machine

This is a cleaning method that uses a machine to remove dirt using cleaning agents and high-temperature water.
High-pressure cleaners and ultrasonic cleaners are used in this method.
It is suitable for cleaning large containers or a large number of containers.
Ultrasonic cleaning can remove oil and dirt that cannot be removed by hand washing.

Cleaning Points


Use a neutral detergent.


Wash with a soft sponge to avoid scratching the surface.
Scrubbing with a hard metal or plastic scrubber may cause scratches or rust.


Rinse out detergent and dirt with clean water.

POINT: Use hot water for the final rinse to help the water dry out.

Wiping and Drying

Wipe the surface with a soft rag to avoid scratching it.

To prevent rusting, wipe well with a rag so that no water droplets remain on the surface, and dry thoroughly.
Use two rags, one to wipe off the water and one to wipe off the finish, to speed up the drying process.

POINT: Use an air gun (duster gun/blow gun) to blow air into the gaps to release the accumulated water for faster drying.

POINT: After removing the water, wipe with a rag moistened with alcohol (ethanol) to wipe off any remaining dirt.

Common Problems After Cleaning


Water and dirt left on the surface or left wet will cause rusting.
Placing the container on a metal surface while it is still wet will also cause it to rust.
Wash the container thoroughly so that no dirt remains, and dry it well so that no water remains.

For more information on how to prevent rusting of stainless steel containers, please refer to this column.

Leaves Water Droplets and Wipe Marks

Impurities contained in the water may remain on the surface due to evaporation of the water and cause marks.
Use pure water for the final rinse, or wipe off with a clean rag containing pure water.

Countermeasures Against Contamination

Electrochemical polishing

The purpose of our cleaning is to remove general contamination.
For users who are concerned about contamination problems, we propose electropolishing as a method to reduce the initial cleaning time before delivery and cleaning time after use.

Use containers that do not accumulate dirt and are easy to wash.

Eliminating gaps around the rim of the container and at the attachment points of parts and using containers that do not accumulate dirt and cleaning solution will help prevent contamination and reduce cleaning time.

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